Sierra Springs Hypnotherapy
Welcome to Sierra Springs Hypnotherapy

Jeanne Robinson, CCHT, SIC
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist,
Certified Life Coach
Certified Yoga Instructor RYT 200
Welcome to Sierra Springs Hypnosis. Jeanne Robinson is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. She is Certified by the Board of Examiners at the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.
Jeanne is the founder of Sierra Springs Hypnosis in Reno, Nevada. She received her education at Sacramento Hypnotherapy and after graduating, continued on to get her Clinical Certification.
She has also received a special hypnotherapy certification for Smoking Cessation from the Hypnotherapy school in Scotland, Uncommon Knowledge.
Through Clinical Hypnotherapy, working with your subconscious mind, she will help you resolve your specific issue, uncover and remove blocks and obstacles, and create lasting change. Through the process of hypnosis she will connect you to your own inner wisdom, lead you to your own inner knowledge and give you tools to use in the outside world so that you can continue your own growth in your everyday life. Jeanne is not a psychologist, psychiatrist, talk Therapist, or a medical practitioner, she will not prescribe, diagnose or analyze you.
Jeanne's journey into the healing arts began 25 years ago when she started on her path to alternative medicine to feel better, have more energy, vitality and mental clarity. Her path began with yoga which led her to a solid meditation practice, following the teachings of longtime Yogi's and Buddhist Monks.
The mind body connection became very clear to Jeanne as she moved through her life, seeing and feeling the results first hand. Leading her on her path to become a yoga instructor, sharing her knowledge and her desire to reach more people she became a Certified Life Coach and took the natural progression to becoming a Clinical Hypnotherapist.
Jeanne has intently studied and practiced what she teaches and is living proof that true lasting change can take place in your life if you are guided by the right teachers, stay consistent with unbending intent and have a clear vision of your life.
Having studied Eastern and Western Philosophy, and different ways to move about in the world, Jeanne has a lot to offer anybody who is ready to take that first step in their life to really move through places they feel stuck, change their mind, and finally become the person they were meant to be.
Jeanne is also a Certified Strategic Intervention Coach through Tony Robbins and Cloe Madanas Life Coach training.